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Less glucose spikes
Vively member since March 2023

April 30, 2024

Nick on Getting the Greatest Insights into His Health with Vively

“I love that Vively… provides a holistic view of my body that I couldn't get without visiting specialists. It's like a dashboard for my life, showing me what's going on inside my body and helping me make informed decisions.”

Tell us about your journey to improve your health and how you came across Vively.

I've struggled with my weight since childhood and became increasingly concerned about my health during Covid. One night, I came across Vively when my wife was seeing an integrated GP. The team behind the app, including a dietitian and an integrative medicine expert, caught my attention. Their approach to health and focus on understanding how my body reacts to glucose resonated with me.

How has Vively changed your life and your approach to health?

Vively has provided me with the greatest insights into my health. I've learned about the optimal glucose range, and I now avoid late-night supermarket raids and pay more attention to my diet. The app has made me feel like I'm playing a game against myself, constantly striving for better health.

What features of Vively do you find most valuable and useful?

I love that Vively connects with Apple Healthkit and provides a holistic view of my body that I couldn't get without visiting specialists. The Vively app's simplicity and the ability to aggregate scores into one metric are powerful features. It's like a dashboard for my life, showing me what's going on inside my body and helping me make informed decisions.

How has using Vively impacted your relationship with Western medicine?

I believe Western medicine often doesn't focus on the fundamentals of health. Vively offers me a more holistic approach and allows me to take control of my health by understanding how my body reacts to certain foods and how insulin impacts my system.

What's the biggest unknown you've uncovered using Vively, and how has it helped you?

I used to wonder why my glucose levels would spike even when I wasn't eating anything. Vively has helped me understand these fluctuations and make better decisions about my diet and lifestyle.

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